OZONE Asylum
Mechani-masturbation or art?
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[quote]Its alien to me that photography is considered by majority of phographers as a point and capture medium. There is some agreement to special purposes's statement but there is so much disagreeing ! What an obscure statement ! Best of photographers do a lot of planning before their shots. Best of photgraphy works are pre-planed as much as a painting ! One picks a theme, finds a model, sets up lights, gets decor. Shooting is not just walking on streets and taking images ! That is crazy ! Its simular to shooting movies !!![/quote] I was referring to execution, not process. Maybe you've found a way to slow down light but the real art in photography (I understand, I've never done it myself) is printing. Buf if you've managed to slow down light so photographing something can be anything other than a 'point and capture medium', I'm all ears. Take, perhaps the world's greatest living photographer, Andreas Gursky. He plans (or waits for) his photos, takes them and then spends months and sometimes years compositing them to make them [i]more real than real[/i]. What does that tell you about photography? You also assume photographs have to be 'planned'. They don't, they can be spontaneous. Or, like Bresson, you can [i]wait[/i] in a place forsomething to happen, but when it does, you better be ready to think on your feet. Rawbot69, I'm not quite sure what you're on about. Maybe you could boil it all down to a few pithy sentences?
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