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Looking for new camera
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I'm, as the subject says, looking for a new digital camera. I've been offered a VERY generous (and only kinda deserved) gift with a $1000 price tag. I've looked around the Internet for reviews and such, especially [url=http://'http://www.digital-camera-online.com']http://www.digital-camera-online.com[/url] and [url=http://www.dpreview.com/]http://www.dpreview.com/[/url], but now am looking for real people experience and tales. Things that are important to me: -manual controls of aperture and shutter speed -varying focal length lens -4-5 mega pixels -costs less than $1000 (or, if you can convince me it's really worth it, I'd be willing to spend a bit of my own money) I've been shooting half-seriously for about 1 year and I really enjoy it. I have been shooting with two old-school cameras: a Nikon FM2 with a 50mm lens and a Canon AE-1 also with a 50mm lens. Both entirely manual (no auto features at all), both weigh about 25 lbs and must be made of solid steel. I have become quite fond of both beasts. I've read reviews of the Minolta DiMage 7I, the Sony CyberShot DSC-F717, the Nikon CoolPix 5000 and 5700. I also noticed there are a few options for storage. Is one better than another? Should this be a factor in my decision at all? Any other suggestions, stories or comments please. Thank you.
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