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The Milk Drop Experiment
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I also posted this over at GN but thought I'd throw it here as well since not all of you go over to GN. [b]The Milk Drop Experiment[/b] I was really bored today so I decided to do some experimentation with my new flash and a saucer of milk. At first I started with an eyedropped and got some decent results with it. A'la; [img]http://www.krets.net/albums/milkdrop/milkdrop.jpg[/img] But after a while I got bored with the small, straight drops and decided to go bigger. So, what did I have around? Frozen peas! [img]http://www.krets.net/albums/milkdrop/milkdrop3.jpg[/img] The peas gave bigger splashes but ended up looking the same as the drops once cropped and such. I decided to get more drastic and begin throwing the peas into the saucer. At first I was horrible aim, I was using my dominant hand to fire the cam so I had to use my left to throw. Peas were all over my kitchen table. Finally I got some consistency and timing and got some pretty good results: [img]http://www.krets.net/albums/milkdrop/gooddrop5.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.krets.net/albums/milkdrop/curvedrop.jpg[/img] You can see the rest [url=http://www.krets.net/gallery/milkdrop]right here.[/url] I found the two most difficult things about this little endeavor were getting the lighting right and focusing. My cam doesn't have TTL focusing so I had to stick a spoon in the milk right about where I thought the splashes would be in order to focus. Then I messed with the lighting to accomodate the desired aperture and shutter speeds. That one took a while. I ended up using my desklamp directly aimed in the center of the saucer and bounced my flash off an off-white wall nearby. I think the results turned out pretty nice for my first try. I think next time I'll invest in a couple clamp lights with higher wattage bulbs to pump up the brightness. Final exposure values: Aperture = f/2.8 Shutter = 1/1000 sec ISO = 100 If you've ever done this type of thing before I'd love to hear about your experiences for the next time I try something like this. :::[url=http://www.krets.net]krets.net[/url]::: [This message has been edited by krets (edited 06-05-2003).]
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