OZONE Asylum
The Milk Drop Experiment
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Nice shots. Again Edgerton comes to mind. He did great things with strobes. He has this one shot I can't seem to find on the web. It;s a portrait of himself. In one hand he holds a playing card, the other hand is plugging one ear.. the card has just been torn in two by a 30 caliber bullet which is frozen right there in front of him! Oh yeah, heh, he did some fantastic milk crowns and lots of other stuff too. I did a little searching.. I'm amazed at how little technique is available on the web in regards to this sort of thing. I found this [url=http://www.ephotozine.com/techniques/viewtechnique.cfm?recid=172]link[/url] which could be usefull. If you have time and desire it could be the start of an obsession too methinks. Have you thought about lighting the shot ~only~ with your strobe? The flash duration is probably much quicker than your fastest shutter speed and would freeze things really well. If the ambient light was really low (or the lens was stopped down really far) you cold just shoot a long exposure (I'm assuming you have a manual mode where you can just dial in whatever shutter/aperture settings you want and the cam won't argue) and use the test fire button to fire the strobe off camera, maybe pointed straight down at the dish or something. Then you'd just need to play with exposure/ flash distance/ dexterity. Just a thought. ;) Keep us posted, I'm dying to see if (and how) you manage to get the crown shape. :)
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