OZONE Asylum
Lightning in a bottle...
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... Or just on film will work for now. One of our rare storms (the ones with rain) came through this past weekend and I happened to have the DC from the CS lab with me, so in an effort to maybe learn something, (preferably about photography and not the best way to get hit by lightning) I stood out on the patio, (next to the flagpole of course) and shot a few pictures until my hair on my arms started standing on end (perhaps that had something to do with the flagpole?). Most of the pictures turned out rather dark/unfocused/etc, as I expected, but a couple weren't so bad, which surprised me. However, I happen to really like this one in particular. So that's the one I picked to have you all pick apart, let me know what's wrong with it, and maybe (if you're in a good mood) offer some suggestions for next time. The original was really bright (duh, it's lightning), so I went through The GIMP and adjusted the levels a bit to make it a bit easier on the eyes. Click for (very) big versions... [url=http://courses.cslab.utpb.edu/practice/images/lightning1.jpg] [img]http://courses.cslab.utpb.edu/practice/images/lightning1s.jpg[/img] [/url] Original ^ [url=http://courses.cslab.utpb.edu/practice/images/lightning1_1.jpg] [img]http://courses.cslab.utpb.edu/practice/images/lightning1_1s.jpg[/img] [/url] Edited ^ So, yea... (BTW, this was an 8 second exposure) And I'm starting to go through all the tutorials that were posted here as well... [edit: Helps if I get the right links... [This message has been edited by Lord_Fukutoku (edited 06-10-2003).]
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