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I came home from class to an empty house last night, which is rather unusual to say the least. As it turns out, my dad was on his way back to the yard from the refinery and the truck rolled when he exited the interstate. But to make a long story short, he's all right. Lots of bumps and bruises and cuts, but nothing too serious. This is an prime example of what NOT to do when driving a truck filled with 7000 gallons of gas and diesel. (1500 gallons of which are still unaccounted for... Guess who gets to pay for that...) Here are all the shots I took this morning of the truck in the wrecker yard: [url=http://courses.cslab.utpb.edu/practice/truck.htm]Truck Pics[/url] Not all are particularly good shots, but you get an idea of what happened... There's also 3 shots of the "truck" that was "parked" next to my dads at the wrecker yard. I took those three to show how much worse it very easily could have been. Here are a few of the better ones: Cab from the front right [url=http://courses.cslab.utpb.edu/practice/images/truck/cab_right_front_3.jpg] [img]http://courses.cslab.utpb.edu/practice/images/truck/cab_right_front_3s.jpg[/img] [/url] Cab from the right rear [url=http://courses.cslab.utpb.edu/practice/images/truck/cab_right_rear_3.jpg] [img]http://courses.cslab.utpb.edu/practice/images/truck/cab_right_rear_3s.jpg[/img] [/url] Looking in the drivers side window [url=http://courses.cslab.utpb.edu/practice/images/truck/drivers_window_1.jpg] [img]http://courses.cslab.utpb.edu/practice/images/truck/drivers_window_1s.jpg[/img] [/url] Looking through where the passenger side window used to be [url=http://courses.cslab.utpb.edu/practice/images/truck/passenger_window_2.jpg] [img]http://courses.cslab.utpb.edu/practice/images/truck/passenger_window_2s.jpg[/img] [/url]
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