OZONE Asylum
~$150,000 mistake
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I'm not real sure how much of what the insurance will cover. I just know we're having to pay for the gas initially. Didn't ask to get pictures of the cuts and bruises... Nothing terribly interesting to look at. Both him and I have had plenty worse in motorcycle crashes and other things. Besides, I didn't have the camera until this morning when I gte into the lab at the Univ :p And he was very lucky to walk away from that... The driver that showed up later to carry off all the fuel they could get out wouldn't have been able to get out until the fire dept. showed up with the jaws of life. He was talking about how when it was sliding on its side and the steering wheel, the seat, the roof and the door kept getting closer together, he was thinking, 'OK, we're running out of room for me in here...' until it stopped, which then he started thinking, 'OK, I'm in a truck with 7000 gallons of fuel that's on it's side... Might be wise to get out of here real quick.' Probably needless to say, in person the cab looks a lot smaller.
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