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Hey Wolfen. I had a Canon AE1 about 20 (ish) years ago, in the UK. My memory's not too good (in computer terms, a nibble short of a byte), I think my AE1 was an auto with shutter priority. Anywhoo, I loved it. It was everythink I needed, full manual override, function switches falling easily to reach, a good ttl metering system. The only reason I haven't still got it, is because of its rapid descent to the murky depths of a lake, through the "totally innocent" fingers of a child! I agree with cyoung about the ttl meter. I found that the sensor "hot spot" was situated a wee bit below the centre of veiwfinder, so that if you moved the camera around the lightest and darkest spots of the area to be photographed, you could adjust the exposure. Has it got a "backlight" function, I think mine did? The memories are flooding back even as I am writing this. I seem to remember I had an optional motor drive with it as well. All in all a great camera greatly missed :) [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/1153/] [img]http://www.taobaybee.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/sigs/[/img] [/url]
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