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I just got back this weekend from a week-long vacation in Indiana. I brought my camera along, and took some photos, and thought I'd share some with you. Mind you, these were originally taken at 2272x1704, but I scaled them down... [url=http://wdalphin.virtualave.net/images/journal/vacation/Artifact.jpg]This artifact[/url] was embedded in the floor at the concourse in O'Hare (Chicago) where I waited for my plane on my trip home. It looked rather interesting, so I snapped some shots of it. [url=http://wdalphin.virtualave.net/images/journal/vacation/BigTVLilCat.jpg]Chester[/url] is a little cat I picked up in Indy while waiting for my luggage to catch up with me. Here we see him watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on a friend's large tv. This is about the clearest picture I could get of [url=http://wdalphin.virtualave.net/images/journal/vacation/ChicagoBirdEye.jpg]Chicago[/url] on my way home. The flight attendants didn't seem to mind me using my electronic camera while the plane was taking off. I guess they thought it was a regular camera. Don't try this at home, kiddies. [url=http://wdalphin.virtualave.net/images/journal/vacation/Cloudwhip.jpg]These clouds[/url] looked like whipped cream to me. They're much prettier looking down from above than I'll bet they looked from below. These are my [url=http://wdalphin.virtualave.net/images/journal/vacation/CrazyCats.jpg]girlffriend's cats[/url]. Molly, on the right, is big into staring at you and gnawing your fingers off. Brian is big into rubbing against you and flopping down on your feet. Getting a picture of them together without killing each other was a miracle. I really like [url=http://wdalphin.virtualave.net/images/journal/vacation/Crossroads.jpg]this photo[/url], though it needs a little cropping at the bottom to remove the tip of the house in the background. Other than that, I think this is the sharpest, most focused photo I've ever taken. [url=http://wdalphin.virtualave.net/images/journal/vacation/KillerClouds.jpg]More clouds[/url]. These clouds don't look as creamy, but when you're between them and the ground, they look a lot more dangerous. I really like how you can see their shadows. It adds weight to them. We passed over this [url=http://wdalphin.virtualave.net/images/journal/vacation/PuttPutt.jpg]golf course[/url] on our way out of Indy. To the left, you can see the engine of the plane. I was seated right by the exit, which was very nice. I highly recommend trying to get seats by the exit from now on. On July 4th, there were [url=http://wdalphin.virtualave.net/images/journal/vacation/Spiderworks.jpg]fire works[/url] at the IU stadium. I decided to try to take photos of them, even though I had not brought a tripod. I precariously blenched my camera between my knees while seated on a blanket on a hill, and set my shutter speed to 2.5 and 3.2 seconds. I got some good shots, but most did have a wiggle or two (it's hard to not tremble while you take them). This was the cleanest and least trembled shot I got. Here is [url=http://wdalphin.virtualave.net/images/journal/vacation/StillLife.jpg]a still life[/url] that I set up while I was bored. The lighting just seemed very good for taking something mellow. This is [url=http://wdalphin.virtualave.net/images/journal/vacation/Suburbia.jpg]the neighborhood[/url] I was staying in. Who says that Indiana's flat? All the houses looked [b]exactly the same[/b], at least in three different styles. It was funny when I realized it, because then I noticed how in some cases, they tricked you by simply flipping the house horizontally. And last but not least, I snapped a photo of [url=http://wdalphin.virtualave.net/images/journal/vacation/WhatDoYouSee.jpg]this lake[/url] as we passed over it. I think it's somewhere here in Massachusetts. What does it look like to you? To me, it looks like a monkey in platemail jumping over a stumbling zombie. I thought the airplane shots would be blurry because we were moving so fast, but fortunately we were so high up that the ground appeared to be moving very slowly, so a lot of my photos came out reasonably clear. [img]http://wdalphin.virtualave.net/sigs/hssig04big.gif[/img] [This message has been edited by Human Shield (edited 07-08-2003).]
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