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sooo...who's shooting with what?
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Fig: you got any legacy lenses? Like from Nikon or Canon SLRs? If not, the field is wide open. If yes, might want to make that part of the equation. I LOVE the Nikon D1x. Yeah, the decimal point is in different place than your target, but it does a GREAT job and plays nicely with our existing Nikon lenses. There are cameras from both Nikon and Canon that are priced at a more consumer point and still use the lenses you already have. I'm also a huge fan of Compact Flash card memory. Give the memory media some thought. Compact Flash cards are reliable, reasonably priced, available in a variety of capacities and easily obtainable. How does the camera attach to the computer? Firewire just rocks on a Mac. There are also third party readers the cards fit into to avoid attaching the camera directly to the computer, but most of the time I use the Firewire port. [This message has been edited by Steve (edited 07-23-2003).]
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