OZONE Asylum
Krets' advice = my gain
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Thank you. I really busted my ass for about 18 months helping a friend get her new business off the ground. Everything from building the pcs and wiring the lan to working the phones, sweeping the floor, building bookshelves, painting the walls...a lot of work. She's my friend, and a very good one at that, so I expected no payment. Besides, she couldn't rightly afford to pay me as she was barely paying herself. Now a quarter has come back with a profit, she has rewarded me with a wonderfully generous gift; one I never expected, but certainly won't turn down. Friends. I haven't yet splurged on more memory than the factory 32Mb stick, though that and a nice tripod are on my 'to buy' list for the next 6 months or so. All four were taken in jpeg mode at 640x480. My favorite of the four is the bird. S/He let me get VERY close. I have no idea why. My lens was literally about 8" from its beak. I managed to snap off about 6 picts before it flew away. Cool. I'll post some more soon.
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