OZONE Asylum
No Manip? Bullsh*t
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Well, based on the specs you posted, she's clearly lying. I don't know why she's trying to pass off a day shot as a night shot, but it's easy to prove: f2.0 - impossible. The depth of field couldn't include both the person and the horizon (well, it could if you were a long way from the subject, but I doubt the photographer was using an f2.0 1200mm lens ;)) 5 sec exposure - impossible. The water is perfectly defined. The shutter speed is clearly fast. 1/100th at the very least. auto white balance - impossible. Given that deep blue a scene, the camera would have adjusted back toward neutral. Given the fast shutter speed (which we know from the 'frozen' water) and the small aperature (which we know from the very deep depth of field), this would have to be a day shot. Don't know why she was lying about it. As an underexposed day shot with a deep blue tinting, it still had artistic value. Not my cup of tea, but not terrible. btw, looks like the entire gallery is deleted now.
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