OZONE Asylum
72 dpi camera
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[i]Edit: Posted from work and headed out without checking. Couple of posts had snuck in before this one. The 'not quite', below, was in reference to needing a 10MP+ camera for an 8" x 10". Sorry for any confusion.[/i] Not quite. I have an excellent, photo-quality 12" x 16" print on my wall from my 6MP Canon SLR. An 11MP Canon 1Ds can print past 20"x30" and still look great. Still, once you get down to around 100dpi, you start to get pretty poor results. 640x480 will give you adequate 4x6 prints. Not really good, but not terrible. From brownstones.tif, it looks like the camera has serious sharpness issues. Try using an unsharp mask in Photoshop, with values around Amount:200%, Radius:0.8, Threshold 0. I know the numbers look odd, but it's a fairly typical setting to counter the AA mask in a digital camera. You're also getting poor saturation. You could increase saturation by about 30-50 for a decent print. I don't know why the camera is having so much trouble capturing detail. I can't give any suggestions for that. I doubt you'll ever get real photo-quality prints from that camera, sorry. [This message has been edited by Das (edited 08-19-2003).]
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