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Attention Canon Camera Users
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I just discovered a strange little phenomenon ... I've been using the Canon software to transfer images off my S200 and 10D cameras. As I've been working with an image-management program and looking at my images' EXIF data, I've noticed that the (modified) file date/times of images transfered during [b]standard[/b] time were an hour later than they should be. (For example, images taken at 10:30 would have a file date of 11:30 after transfer.) Those transfered during [b]daylight savings[/b] were fine. This strange occurrence doesn't make sense in many ways, but I've been over it and over it and it's definitely happening. I picked up a card reader and have transfered some new images directly off the card and they're A-OK. The time discrepancy happens only when using the S200's or the 10D's software to transfer images. (This is on Win2K, BTW.) Thankfully, I've been able to use my new image-management software to reset the file date/times to the EXIF "captured" date/times embedded by the cameras. But if you transfer images directly from a Canon camera using the Canon software, you might compare your files dates to your EXIF dates if it's at all important to you. [url=http://www.texastwisted.com] [img]http://www.bigwaste.com/asylum/sig_incoming_call.gif[/img] [/url] [This message has been edited by Wes (edited 10-06-2003).]
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