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But is it art?
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More things are art to a non-artist than things which would be called art by an artist. Personally thats how i see it. If your in my boat (i.e not an artist) - you would probably put me in the category of design or some such thing - then you would go around and consider more things art. However if you are an artist you know whats involved, how you feel when you create art etc so you would have a more honed perception of what is art. Having said that it doesnt mean you're right either, art really is a perceptive thing - art is in the eye of the beholder? Now if i went out and started being an artist creating art by Drac's definitions, then im sure i would come back and say half the things that i previously considered to be 'art' now not. Those are my thoughts anyhow, it makes me think of the Matrix Reloaded movie. I have done a bit of 3D work, modelling etc, so when i see CGI i know it, and it stands out like a sore thumb. I really think it was used too much in the matrix, especially in the fight scene with all of those suits, it was very obvious. Having said that, talking to people that have never done 3D animation/modelling before - they didnt even realise it was CGI ! I was a little suprised at first because it stands out so much to me, but i came to the conclusion that you pay more attention to things you have done. A little off track, but maybe the same theory can somehow be applied to this topic.. --End Rant--
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