OZONE Asylum
But is it art?
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DL: Ah, but he didn't ask if it was [i]good[/i] art. ;) That's the interesting thing about art... if there is such a thing as good art, then there must be such a thing as bad art. Yet many people associate good art with "art" and bad art with "not art"--thus working the value judgment inherent in "good art" into the term of art itself. Even you and I, trying to be fair and impartial (I think), couldn't help but make value judgments in our responses (I mentioned Shakespeare, and you said that it was "technically" art). But quoting the dictionary definition was instructive, and you were right. There's no need to say that something is "technically" art. It's either art or it isn't, and although the lines do sometimes get blurred, I think the definition is fairly straightforward (I'm referring specifically to the first definition, as the second definition relies on the term "beauty," which is in itself a value judgment). So yes, Simon, it's art. I will not speculate further on the goodness or badness of it, unless you want me to. ;) ___________________________ Suho: [url=http://www.liminality.org]www.liminality.org[/url]
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