OZONE Asylum
Frosty Mornings
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I've been back online now for five days after what felt like ages since I moved flat (apartment) to my present one. I've hardly been able to drag myself away from the monitor for food, never mind sleep since then heh, you know the "sketch". So in an attempt to normalize my sleeping patterns I got up and went out on my bike early this morning just as it was getting light. I'm so glad I did, because I took some really nice (imo) photos' while I was out, of the very cold and frosty park. It's probably down to lack of sleep, but I'm finding it hard to decide on the "best" way to edit a few of the shots. Here is an example, I am looking to keep the quality and feel of the frosty morning air while improving the overall impact. [url=http://www.gedhodge.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/morning.htm] [img]http://www.gedhodge.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Photographs/mornsm.jpg[/img] [/url] What do you think? somtimes when I look at it I prefer the original , next time the other one. 'Tis no biggie tho folks. i would just like to hear your views. The link should take you to a blank page with the first photo and the second as a rollover image. If that doesn't work I'll publish them side by side. tao [edit]The image rollover seems to be working but you have to leave the cursor over the image for a few seconds for the rollover image to load. Looking at it now, scaled down to 640x480 it does not look as impressive as the 1280x960 one that I'm using as a desktop image. [edit] [url=http://www.gedhodge.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Photographs/mistmorn.jpg] Here is the the larger (134kb) photo [/url] [This message has been edited by Taobaybee (edited 11-24-2003).]
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