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Moon - Cheap telescope photography
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I own an old russian (means high quality lenses) 20x telescope, and sometimes I use it to gaze at the Moon (not many stars here). So I decided to take some pics, and after about half hour of fighting with 2 tripods and constantly compensating for Moon's movement I was able to get a few half-decent pics. The quality of the images is far worse than that observed through the eyepiece (i.e. without the camera), but you can still spot the craters. How I did it: my Canon A80 cam's lense about 2-3mm away from the eypiece (with that protruding tube unscrewed) lense; without any special extra-lenses or any converters because I dont know what I need and if I did I probably wouldnt buy it anyway cuz it would be so darn expensive (maybe if its not TOO expensive) So here's my question: if any of you have ever tried similar setup, I'd appreciate any tips (such as focus compensation on cam/telescope, etc) which would help me get better results next time. or if you are familiar with optics, please tell me why is the quality so much worse when I zoomed in using cam's 3x optical zoom (last picture). Also any online tuts would be very welcome. [url=http://www.artcenter.ac/asptamer/gallery/digital?&page=3]Pics are on the bottom of this page, the last one was with 3x cam zoom[/url] I separated the channels in PS, and [url=http://www.artcenter.ac/asptamer/gallery/digital/moon_f28_100_green_channel?full=1]here's[/url] the best image so far [url=http://www.artcenter.ac/asptamer] [img]http://www.artcenter.ac/asptamer/sig/asptamer.gif[/img] [/url] [This message has been edited by asptamer (edited 03-02-2004).]
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