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General question about digital cameras
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Basically you want to look at things like it's zoom capabilities, aperture range, max and min shutter, ISO numbers, and focal length. A good dig is going to have a lot of range in these different areas. For instance, some cheaper models don't let you manually set the ISO which is the sensitivity to light. Whereas a camera like the Sony F-707 which is what Shi and I use lets you set your ISO manually at 100, 200, 400, 800, or you can use the Auto function. Look at the shutter speed to determine the max and min values. If you want to do long exposure shots pay attention to the min value because some cameras have crappy min values. The Sony let's you expose for a min of 30 seconds which is a common number I've seen amongst prosumer dig cams. The max will tell you what the fastest shutter speed will be. Mine goes to 1/1000 of a sec which is decent but no great. The new F828 will go to 1/3200 sec. The other thing you might do is see if the dealer will let you walk around and take some shots with the cam. Most of them will let you stroll around and check it out to see if you like the way the cam feels and the controls. Take a bunch of shots using all levels of zoom, take some macro shots, and see how you like it. Honestly if you stick with the name brands and check out the reviews available on the net you can't go wrong. It's really just about finding a camera that "fits" you. :::[url=http://www.11oh1.net]11oh1[/url]:::
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