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General question about digital cameras
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Suho, when someone says "do yourself a favor and buy a good lens", usually they mean that you need to buy professional grade lens. The problem is that professional grade lens are insanely expensive. For a pro, they say they are a must, because taking pictures is their way of living, but for regular people (like me, and probably like you, since you don't look like a pro as of now), professional lens are: (1) insanely expensive and (2) insanely heavy, making them insanely difficult to buy and use in a daily basis. So, my advice: forget about "real good lens". The one that comes with the Rebel 300D is a good one, good enough for someone starting in this field (of digital camera). Sony claims that the lens that comes in the new DSC-F828 8 megapixel non-SLR camera, that costs around 1,000 dollars, has a professional grade, but that's not good enough to make it better than the Canon with its non-professional lens. Canon itself claims that the lens that comes with the still-to-be-released non-SLR Canon PowerShot Pro1, is a Pro lens (Canon Pro lens have a red ring around them and the "L" letter in the "name"), but there is yet no comparisons in dpreview. This Canon PS Pro1 seems a good candidate to me, when available, if I hadn't already bought my Rebel - but it's not SLR. So, forget about professional equipment. Unless you have thousands and thousands of dollars to spend.
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