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Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Gig Harbor, WA
Insane since: Feb 2002

posted posted 06-23-2002 07:28

A friend of mine bought a completely new computer system and offered his 21" Diamatron (Mitsubishi) to me for free, who am I to turn an offer like that down, eh?

Except there's a slight problem I might get some help on from you gurus o' technology...

After having worked on 800 x 600 resolution for the longest time, I'm thrilled to be able to use a much higher one, and everything couldn't be better. Except, everything on the monitor looks slightly... off. What I mean by this is that if I look really close at the titles of windows and the text in the window, it looks like there's a really slight shadow of that text behind it. Almost like a drop shadow, except that it's really distracting. Graphics and pictures, movies and all that junk come up just fine and look good, but icons, text, windows lines (divider lines and what not) all look out of focus, and it's distracting like a mother.

So! Anyone got any ideas on how to fix this? Or is it just the monitor itself, or resolution (I doubt that last one)? I've tried messing with the monitor's settings, and there's two settings (Vertical and Horizontal Convergence) that I've messed with, yet not noticed anything.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

njuice42 Cell # 551
icq 957255

Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist

From: Massachusetts, USA
Insane since: Mar 2000

posted posted 06-23-2002 07:43

Monitors get blurry when you set them to resolutions higher than they can really handle.

You might check the monitor's built-in menu to see if it has any settings that may fix the problem, but if there aren't, then it's possible it's just not really made to handle 1024x768.

Wait... that couldn't possibly be true for a 21" monitor. Check that menu.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Gig Harbor, WA
Insane since: Feb 2002

posted posted 06-23-2002 09:13

That's the first thing that popped into my mind, that why would a (recent, at least within the last 3 years) 21" monitor not be able to show at 1024 x 768?! I dunno, it's kinda hard on the eyes at the moment... but I figured that if I stood up and looked down at the monitor, at a different angle, it's clear as a bell. Think it's busted?

njuice42 Cell # 551
icq 957255

[This message has been edited by njuice42 (edited 06-23-2002).]

Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: the space between us
Insane since: Dec 2001

posted posted 06-23-2002 09:37

thatz hard on your eyes? i'm using a 17" with 1280 X 1024 !!!!

CELL 557

Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: Anchorage Alaska
Insane since: May 2002

posted posted 06-23-2002 10:38

My suggestion would be to try to upgrade your video drivers and see if that changes anything.. ya never know.

or change the "dpi" settings... or maybe a different color profile...

maybe even try a different font, system - wide.

or try a different "hertz" setting on your monitor /shrug ( dont thing that will change anything)

dunno if any of those will work.. but they are a few options to toy with before you head out to get your eyes checked! hehe

Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: Nov 2000

posted posted 06-23-2002 10:56

I agree, likely monitor drivers, video drivers or the card itself. You may also have to install the monitor somtimes you could go under display and blow out your monitor settings and let win re-detect.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Gig Harbor, WA
Insane since: Feb 2002

posted posted 06-23-2002 10:59

Drivers were the key, got em and the monitor looks as a razor! Thanks guys.

*slaps forehead* I really should have thought about that earlier... the sollution was rather simple that I didn't even go to think that they could have been causing it. Apparently there's interlacing issues that the drivers are needed for.

njuice42 Cell # 551
icq 957255

[This message has been edited by njuice42 (edited 06-23-2002).]

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: :morF
Insane since: May 2000

posted posted 06-23-2002 11:55

H23: dpi would do bugger all. That's for printing.

Koan 63, written on the wall of cell number 250:
Those who Believe
Those who Try
Those who Love

Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist

From: Omicron Persei 8
Insane since: Oct 2000

posted posted 06-23-2002 13:30

im using a tft now for 4 years! it cant go higher than 1024 but its damn sharp! really! and with winXPs support for tfts the fonts are rendered VERY much more pretty than on a normal monitor!

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Charles River
Insane since: May 2002

posted posted 06-23-2002 14:49

A 21" monitor must be really something.
Here in my country monitors are too expensive. So I use a Sony 17". Recently, my other computer (an old one) crashed and so I installed its graphics card and its monitor in my main (and now only one) computer. Now I have two 17" monitors, and, after you get used to having two monitors, it's really cool. Two 17" 1024x768 monitors give almost the same area as a bigger monitor with 1600x1024 resolution, mathematically speaking.
The interesting thing was to find out that a trinitron monitor (Sony) has indeed a much better image quality than a CRT one (Samsung), specially when reading text.

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