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Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: 100101010011 <-- right about here
Insane since: Mar 2000

posted posted 07-18-2002 08:33

A couple of things make me say this. First is obviously this community, though we fight sometimes it's by far the coziest community I've seen.

Second is this kind of thing For those of you who don't know ernie's house of whoopass is a popular blog that shows boobies and wierd pic's and stuff with a huge following. The story there is that some asshole doused a year old puppy with gasoline and lit it on fire. Within 24 hours of Ernie learning about it he had raised $13,000 in donations ($50 of mine!) by far enough to take care of the poor homeless pooch's medical bills. He also had a drive over the holidays to raise money to get service men and women home for the holidays, he ended up getting like 30 grunts who wouldn't be able to afford the traveling home to see thier families.

Finally if any of you are familiar with the Inglewood story going with the kid getting hit by cops cought on tape. The other day after having watched the video I found this page where I found some holes in the report compared to what was on the tape I mean I'm one to kinda give the cops the benefit of the doubt, for example the officer claimed the kid grabbed his balls when he was leaning over the car) but these errors were glaring. and low and behold The cop that filed it is being chaged with filing a false report.

So Much information!

.:[ Never resist a perfect moment ]:.

Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: May 2001

posted posted 07-18-2002 14:34

I remember hearing about the puppy that was set on fire. Very sad. My fiancee and I have rescued 3 dogs so far. Two of them were seriously abused and one has a little bit of brain damage because of it.

Good for you for donating to the fund. I don't think that I have ever seen Ernies page. Will have to frequent that one.


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