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Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Greenville, SC, USA
Insane since: Jan 2002

posted posted 01-03-2004 20:49

I'm looking for an html/css editor that will allow me to preview my page in different browser views based on tab selection. (For example, allocate different browsers for internal previewing) . Tab1 would be ie6 preview. tab 2 mozilla, tab 3 opera etc. There are plenty of editors that allow external previewing but it seems all editors have internal previewing that allows just one browser.

[This message has been edited by jive (edited 01-03-2004).]

Moon Shadow
Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Rouen, France
Insane since: Jan 2003

posted posted 01-03-2004 21:51

Well, I don't know any HTML editor that will allow several internal previews. I tried some Googling, all I could find was an exhaustive list of the existing free HTML editors, but none have the specification you need.

However, you can still download the browsers you want to test your site with, and set your editor to use them with different shortcuts. Dreamweaver MX does this very well, but I don't know about HTML beauty or other editors. Of course, you would still be limited to the browsers working with your current OS.

Last of all, a topic was posted here some time ago... There was a website that showed how looked your website under every resolution and with every existing browsers. Perhaps someone can find it in the archives or with google... I didn't manage to.

[This message has been edited by Moon Shadow (edited 01-03-2004).]

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Greenville, SC, USA
Insane since: Jan 2002

posted posted 01-03-2004 22:55

actually, I found one:

at least according to the screenshot, It has a internal netscape preview and IE previes. Wonder how many it has, or if you can add more internal preview tabs/browsers.

The reason I want this feature is because I just started designing completely with css, and instead of having to constantly open up the browser, I can just preview it in the preview tab really quick, than go back to the code view. Maybe this can be a new feature request for max's html beauty... (hint hint)

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: Belgrade, Serbia
Insane since: Sep 2000

posted posted 01-03-2004 22:57

MAX's HTML Beauty++ 2004 already supports internal preview with IE *and* Mozilla. Internal preview in Opera is not possible, because Opera doesn't provide us with ActiveX control...

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

Insane since: Apr 2000

posted posted 01-03-2004 23:20

MAX's HTML Beauty++ 2004 gets my vote. Very flexible. You can also do a search for Optool, which allows you to right click on a browser window and view the current page in many different browsers. Quite slick.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: France
Insane since: Jun 2002

posted posted 01-03-2004 23:28

Sorry Jive I don't know such editor, but I'm looking for an XML editor where I could set a DTD to get autocompletion and automatic children tags and attributes helper. Does anyone know something like that ?

Thanks in advance.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Greenville, SC, USA
Insane since: Jan 2002

posted posted 01-03-2004 23:39

I have the older one downloaded. Gonna have to download the new one as soon as I get home. One question. Can I allocate different Ie versions on different internal preview tabs? For example. I design for ie 5.5 and above, netscape 6.0 and above, opera 6.0 and above and mozilla. Would I be able to have an internal previewing tab for all of them? (except opera) Or am I limited to just two internal previewing tabs. (IE and mozilla)?

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Greenville, SC, USA
Insane since: Jan 2002

posted posted 01-03-2004 23:46

checked out optool. yeah I see what it does. While thats cool, you can still do that on any editor that has external previewing.

A css editor with like 6 or 7 internal previewers would be a great feature Doesn't seem to be around, unless max saves us.

Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: Cold Sweden
Insane since: Jul 2002

posted posted 01-04-2004 00:02

Poi, have you tried SciTE, which has a very flexible configuring.
You can enable automatic tag completion and drop-down lists for tags and attributes. Syntax highlighting for HTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, LaTeX, C++, Apache config files and much more, plus you can make your own language files.
One thing I really like about it is that text inside a script element will be syntax highlighted when you're editing a HTML file.
The only thing I want is to be able to view in a browser without saving the file first, which isn't possible.

Rinswind 2th
Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Den Haag: The Royal Residence
Insane since: Jul 2000

posted posted 01-04-2004 03:09

Apart from max beauty html-kit is my favorite editor. It can be modified to use a moz and IE as an internal viewr for your pages. Someone wrote an easy to follow howto on the subject.
Also you could add firebird to the list of external browsers. But the best of all there are many (third party) plugins written for it so you can modify the program at will. Beauty however is easier to control and halve as big as html-kit. There is nothing i cannot do (designwise) with one of the two programs.

"Art has to be forgotten. Beauty must be realized."
Piet Mondriaan

[This message has been edited by Rinswind 2th (edited 01-04-2004).]

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Greenville, SC, USA
Insane since: Jan 2002

posted posted 01-04-2004 06:33

html kit looks interesting. I live the div plugin for css they have. But multiple internal browser view tabs sure would be nifty . (hint hint Max.)

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: North Coast of America
Insane since: Dec 2001

posted posted 01-05-2004 19:49

Don't forget that there's also a hardware solution to this. Dual-screen video cards can be had from under $40. See and search for dual screen. And monitors--especially CRTs--are real cheap these days too.

I have a dual-screen card based on the Radeon 7000 which is plenty good enough (unless you're also a gamer). I run a 2048x768 desktop, half in each monitor. This screenshot (reduced by 50%) shows IE6, Firebird 0.7 and Opera 7.23 open as 800x600 windows in the left screen along with a NoteTab Pro window editing the CSS, then in the right screen DW maximized with the HTML in code view.

And of course you're not limited by software to how many different browser windows you can have open, nor are you limited to a particular editor. Use what you like.

The duallie rig lets you see all that simultaneously without switching from app to app or tab to tab and trying to remember how it looked in the last window. IMHO, it's a far superior solution that can't be done simply with software.

[This message has been edited by brucew (edited 01-05-2004).]

[This message has been edited by brucew (edited 01-05-2004).]

<edits> UBB apparently doesn't like super-long urls with lots of equal signs and escaped characters in them. You'll have to do the search yourself.</edit>

[This message has been edited by brucew (edited 01-05-2004).]

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