I had a site where I had the scrollbar properties set to other than default gray, but when my OS was changed from nt to 2000, the scrollbar property no longer worked in IE. still running the same version of IE and office. Is there a reson for this that any of you would know?
body {scrollbar-face-color: #ffffff; scrollbar-highlight-color: #000000; scrollbar-shadow-color: #000000; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #000000; scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000; scrollbar-track-color: #000000; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #000000;}
the code is simple, and like I said worked previously and I am pretty sure I did not change a thing. it is safely tucked between style tags, and the other css works still- much confusion.
perhaps this should be in the browser's suck section, but figured I would start here.