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Neurotic (0) Inmate
Newly admitted
posted posted 02-06-2001 20:32

I thought I'd start a new topic for this.... I hope you guys don't mind.
(the old one )

So I've done some changes added lot's of content... please feel free to critizize the layout and the other stuff!


Neurotic (0) Inmate
Newly admitted
posted posted 02-06-2001 21:11

Sup man...

First of all.... I wasn't sure if you knew..... on your splash page, if you choose the "snow" option.... you get a 404.

I've always liked roll-over images that start black and white and then turn to color. However, the thing is, that you have a very bright background..... it makes them look out of place... IMO.
That thick blue band still kinda eats at me.... as well as the picture that runs all the way over.... I'd really like to see it taper..... or even add in a 45 deg angle. The 45's may not be all that compatible with some people's tastes.... personally... I like them.
It'd be much easier to visualize things if you had some text tossed in there.... but maybe after you do put some in, you may consider moving your links to the lower left side of the area rather than where they are now...... just an idea to toss around.
Another note on the background picture..... maybe try making it a bit darker and see how it feels.
The box for your text is white and the box for your copyright line is somewhat grey..... I'd switch that the other way around.

In the portfolio section... there's a small grammer error.... "please contact to me and we'll discuss about it".... it should be: please contact me and we'll discuss it. And a comma should be put in between homepages and logos. (just nit-picky stuff)
Perhaps something to think abotu for the portfolio section is to make the links to your other sites on that first page, rather than having to navigate further. I wouldn't bother putting the logos on the initial page.... you can have a separate page for those to link to them...... people will mainly want to look at your websites..... don't make them fight to get there. Needless to say.... if you do this, you'll want to make the picture/links slightly smaller.

In the "art" section... maybe you should put some text in and tell the visitor what/how you prefer to work..... what inspires you to do your work. A good commentary with things can make a big difference.

I really like it over all..... as said before.... it's very clean and eye-easily presented.
Let us know when you get more on there...

Neurotic (0) Inmate
Newly admitted
posted posted 02-06-2001 23:40

some quick comments...
i like it. its nice. that out of the way, ill get ripping!
- those rollover images are nice, but the colors are so different in the first one (bio.html) it seems outta place. plus, that one almost gets more defined by the color, the others kinda get more washed out by the color...
- im not too sure about the mouseover color for the links either. it almost makes them look like unavailable options.
- how do you get home??
well, that's about all i have to say, except that all in all, its a nice clean job.

Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate

From: Bern, Switzerland
Insane since: Aug 2000

posted posted 02-07-2001 00:13

hi nt, i didn't read your previous post, looks like you got many replies.

i like the design of your homepage, the colors and mouse overs.

it worked on netscape 6 too.

one problem, the visitors don't have an idea to which page they get when clicked on the pictures, they have to click to see.

many visitors don't want to guess and many internet newbies don't understand that they have to click to get further infos.

cu, tea

Neurotic (0) Inmate
Newly admitted
posted posted 02-07-2001 00:20

tea - status bar.
i daresay this may be making a bit too much of an assumption (that browser has bar, and that user reads it), but with a personal page, there's nothing wrong with a bit of mystery meat navigation
<edit> im quite the dyslexic typist</edit>

[This message has been edited by bunchapixels (edited 02-07-2001).]

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