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Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Brisbane, Australia
Insane since: Apr 2001

posted posted 01-01-2002 16:26

Edit, I don't think I really wanted to say that after all.....

[This message has been edited by Dracusis (edited 01-02-2002).]

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: New California
Insane since: Mar 2000

posted posted 01-03-2002 19:00

hmmm... ok, it happens. If only we could find a way to edit what actually comes out of our mouths. Have you ever said something that you wish you could take back? I sure have and one of these days I just might learn to say only what I should.

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Brisbane, Australia
Insane since: Apr 2001

posted posted 01-04-2002 06:19

Bugs, one of the reasons I decided to say what I have now choosen not to say here was that I could indeed remove my comments at a later date if I so choose to.

The internet provides a different way of communicating that we all seem to relate quite heavily to real life conversations. The truth is, it's just not like that. It's a new form of communitation with different rules and ethics.

If there was no way that I could have taken back what I did initally say I simply would never even considered saying it here.

I know this goes against some peoples morals but I'm hoping that at least in this corner of the asylum and given my current emotional state you'll all understand. If you really want to know what this post was about then maybe you should read my recent comments in this thread.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: New California
Insane since: Mar 2000

posted posted 01-04-2002 06:40

Dracusis, I replied to this thread mostly because I thought it would be a little more interesting than just leaving it empty. I wasn't criticizing your move or anything like that. I just thought I would raise another general point related to taking back what we've said.

It's a very interesting point you're making about different rules applying to this form of communication. I partly agree but where I think it breaks down just a little is what about the case where someone has already read what you wrote? Once it's read, even by one person, you can't edit it completely away. Umm... unless you off the people who read it.

I'm real sorry about what you're going through, by the way. I've been hurt in the past in very similar ways and I know it can be hell.

[edit]fixed some heinous grammatical errors[/edit]

[This message has been edited by Bugimus (edited 01-04-2002).]

Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist

From: Massachusetts, USA
Insane since: Mar 2000

posted posted 01-04-2002 08:47

I, for one, am glad of the freedom that the internet gives us in that sense. Sort of a safety barrier.

Dracusis, if you'd prefer that this thread simply be deleted, I see no problem with it, given the emotional state you were in when you wrote it and edited it out, and how few posts have been made to it so far. If you want that, I doubt Bug would have any objection, and the next mad scientist to come along can delete it.

If you don't want it deleted, no problem there either. =)

I'm sorry about what you mentioned in the other thread that you linked to; I hope time heals the pain for you.

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Brisbane, Australia
Insane since: Apr 2001

posted posted 01-04-2002 09:05

I did actualy see your reply as meerly raising an interesting issue rather then a personal attact of any kind, this is the Philosophy section after all.

I also see the issuse involved if people have already read what was written/posted. And If someone had already replied then I certainly wouldn't have edited my words. I think I changed my mind about a half hour after I posted and since there were no replies yet I didn't think anyone would have read it.

Although, I see the potential for further discussion about this. What if someone said something that everyone reacted badly too. Is it better to leave the offending text there and appologise by replying to the thred, or edit it out and put an appologitec <-sp? message in it's place?

Another valid point when comparing this form of commuication to a conversation, when a message is posted, it's remains for a very long time. If someone says something, only the people in close proximity to them will hear it. After which what was said may be remembered and passed on to other people but never again from the primary source in it's inital form.

This is all rather interesting really. I don't think I've ever thought this much about how we all communicate and interact on such a regular basis. This virtual form of communication brings with it ethics and such from more traditional ways of communicating but like the real world, everyone may have a slightly different view on how why and when these ethics should be applied.

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Brisbane, Australia
Insane since: Apr 2001

posted posted 01-04-2002 09:08

You must have posted why I was typing my last reply slime. But narr, the post should stay. There's already some interesting discussion here, completly off topic but well, these things happen.

If people want to keep discussing this maybe we should start another thread more suited to the topic??

Oh, and thanks for the consoling words guys. I appreciate it. Just been trying to keep occupied lately.

[This message has been edited by Dracusis (edited 01-04-2002).]

Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: May 2001

posted posted 01-04-2002 13:40

On the topic of internet communication: I think that everyone getting ready to get online should really take a class on etiquet in forums and email and such. You know, all caps means your yelling, that kind of thing. Sometimes things are typed and without facial expressions, the meaning is sometime interpertated wrongly.

On the topic of Love=Pain: I had something happen to me that really devistated me. I got involved with a girl that I really liked. She had told me that her last boyfriend was the only boyfriend that she EVER had. They had broken up after a couple of years of constant arguing and some abuse that he inflicted on her.

Anyway, we got really involved. We got along great. I was really happy and she was really happy. Everything seemed to be going along great. During the summer one year, she said that her and her mom were going to go on vacation to see some relatives. She was going to be gone for almost 3 weeks. No big deal. Well, 3 weeks had gone by and I had never heard from her while she was gone. That was kind of strange. Then after calling her house and every where that I could think, I finally tracked down one of her friends. When I was talking to her friend, she was acting kind of strange. After hours of pestering her about what the hell was going on.... Her best friend informed me that she DIDN'T go on vacation with her mother.......she got married to her ex-boyfriend!!!!!!!

Man that really sucked!!! I spent about the next 4 months doing nothing but drinking VERY heavily and doing quite a few drugs. I just stayed fucked up. Didn't solve anything and it started a few bad habits.

So, I am not trying to say that my situation was worse than yours, I just wanted to let you know that your are not alone in this situation my friend. It just sucks...

But now I have a great fianceé. Hang in there.


~Binary is best~

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