+I then did a quickie class that handles a very simple search in different kinds of files.
+If the file is a pdf it uses the class pdf_search.
+As you instansiate the class pass the following:
+A valid path to the directory you want to search incl trailing "/"
+A string of words to search for separated with a space.
+(this class searches like this <word> OR <word> OR <word>...)
+A 0 (zero) for non-recursive directory
+I don't have time right now to be able to handle recursive searches from the given directory.
+Last invoke the method searchInFile();
+That's about it.
+This seems to work fine on Linux
+The pdf search part will not work on Windows, at least not with a default php 4.23 installation from phpdev. It either chrashes on the "gzuncompress()" or as it parses the regexp in the method textline()