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Getting to know the Grail
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OK, I've started addressing some of the points from your first post - The cell pages are much cleaner now, no more unnecessary empty rows: http://grail.coonabibba.de/1695 As are the "edit cell" pages: http://grail.coonabibba.de/admin/1695 Getting rid of all the black headers really helped a lot there! I have also removed the top navigation's bottom border, but while it's good to have a horizontal line less I feel there's something missing now... especially if we rearrange the links and go with your idea of having a search field on every page the navigation could do with a bit of new styling to seperate the links etc... The UBB buttons (don't ask me why we're still calling them UBB codes - would 'Insert Code Tags' sound better?) have a lighter border and background than the text input fields now, to be seen here: http://grail.coonabibba.de/create/4?&parent=5449 I think it's clear enough that they're clickable now, isn't it? Those arrows that were pointing to the right are gone now, as well. As for the "Post Reply" button - maybe we could replace it with a "go to latest post" kind of button/link which would also get you to the reply box (at least if the last post isn't too long)? You're also right that the "IP" icon has no apparent function yet, but it was planned to have it link to a page where Mad Scis could check the poster's IP, we just didn't get around to implement that yet. Would you change the text to "IP logged" anyway? The menu structure you proposed definitely seems like an improvement to me, but I'll see what TP thinks about it first before shuffling around too much there. More later =)
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