OZONE Asylum
Getting to know the Grail
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The double lines are overkill IMHO. It creates too much confusion as the eye tries to run down the page. The same thing appears in pertty much all the pages actually, but I was mainly refering to the profile/cell page as being the most obvious example. Actually, it's worse when it appears in pages like this as not only does it add unnecessary visual clutter and confusion, they often break the vertcle dividers (like the one between "login Options" and "Your Text" in the reply section), which makes things look even more messy and boxed off than they need to be. I'm petty sure all of these double lines weren't in the old verion of the asylum. ps: I also see that you're turning the ' character into an entity reference, which isn't necessary as it's part of the standard ASCII set and not considered a "special" character in HTML/XHTML.
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