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[quote] [b]Tyberius Prime said:[/b] Most of the double lines have been added for stylistic reasons, and they seperate the common from the not common parts of the forms. [/quote] Well, that's nice in theory, but I don't think it's working. There's just too many lines. I realise this is all just nit picking at the little details, but I think their still kind of important. The "separation" you speak of is already present in the background. Creating another sub separation within the tables really is overkill and it looks awfully confusing. It's also messing with the zebra striping as each "separator" seems to be visually presented as the "next" row when is should be a "separator". This adds to the confusion and further breaks the flow of the aesthetic. I'm almost certain it would be much easier to read the table structure without them given the "full black" background and whole table row spanning of the headings, which should be the only thing your separating. Just compare a typical faq entry with a forum thread & the reply table/form, the faq is simple and east to flick through, the forum, in comparison, is looking pretty messy. I also think the line under the "Search QuickChanges Forums FAQ Archives Register" menu isn't necessary. They sit outside of the "box" thus I see no need for there to be yet another horizontal line. Lastly, the footer seems a little odd. What merits the extra "box" down the bottom, and why the gradient/fade? It's the only "content in a box" that doesn't contain any content, just links. Which actually makes it more of a menu, but as a menu this is a little confusing as many of the options are quite ambiguous and not actually of any use to the majority of the forum users. You also have "search" at the top, and "advanced search" at the bottom, why? Some titles and better divisions of the menu links between the top & bottom of the page might help to clear some things up. I'd also like to see some kind of uniform styling of links. For starters, you have what looks like form buttons which sometimes submit a form and sometimes they link to an internal anchor. The "post reply" button doesn't "post" anything, it's a shortcut to something further down the page, might want to rename that to reflect what it does. Including a little down arrow to let the user know that it links to something down below might also help. The UBB code (why is it still called UBB code?) buttons look exactly like all the text input fields, which probably isn't a good idea, they also look like forum buttons but don't act like them. The ?Insert Slimies? and ?Insert UBB Code? box display actuator links have >> arrows after them but their function is more up & down in nature. I realise this might reflect where the content is placed, but this is a link to expand and contract, the link itself does nothing to the right which make those arrows confusing. The "Your Text" haeding, the "insert" word and them being on the same "row" as the input textbox sould be enough for people to see this relationship anyhow. What's with the arrow pointing back towards the thread title? Why is it there? I'm also confused about the "IP" image to the right of each reply, what's it doing there? If it's meant to tell the user their IP has been logged, make it say so. If you create ambiguous elements you're sure to be plagued with questions about them by the new members that come along. That?s about all I?ve noticed so far. Again I?m just nit picking on a lot of different things but IMO worth saying none the less.
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