OZONE Asylum
Getting to know the Grail
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[quote]i hate the loss of[/quote] Harsh words to say about a software. A strong emotion, never the less I shall try to reply without feeling hurt by its strengths (though a heinleinian martian would certainly have discooperated) [quote]the post counts[/quote] an issue whish is still highly discussed and will be resolved one way or the other. [quote] the previous post/next post buttons (now i have to click back and forth to see the next topic)[/quote] Alas, this is not as easy to do as it was in the old asylum. Actually, I don't see a way without greatly increasing the number of queries used to display a page. Though multi-window browsing (just hold shift when opening a thread, and hit alt-f4 when you're done) might help your condition. [quote]the "bottom of the page" link[/quote] read the ->grailTodo. That's planned. [quote]- having my profile link to a cell which is not a cell - but a number -[/quote] This has been noted, and now is on the todo list. [quote] a working edit page (the new edit page is almost browser specific (doesn't work in ie/crazybrowser)[/quote] actually - You're the very first person to bring that problem up. And have not really replyed to the question wether you were using IE - which *might* be the problem. That one makes me want to invoke the c2->RemoteStrangulationProtocol. Please send your caching options in IE as well. [quote]links which bring up a new page (only links which go outside the asylum bring up a new page)[/quote] Well - isn't this how it always was? Links within the asylum are in the same window, everything to the outside world in a new one? Or are there links that are not being treaded by this rule? [quote]and no, i do not feel better for having shared my thoughts[/quote] Well, maybe you feel better now, knowing that some of your issues are just issues of time... mine that is. Spare time to work is rare these days.
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