OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Banning Members and Asylum Growing Pains
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[quote] I hate the idea of Mad Scis with Finglongers: I always thought finglongers should belong to one person only, the Doc, for some of the current finglonfers happened to lack wisdom like we all do on occasions, and I "feel" banning features and such are part of the new Asylum. Which I believe, correct me if I am wrong, to be something the Doc didn't want at all: I was quite disappointed at WK being banned, or some of the Zigotry, this finglongers thing makes me feel like I was browsing somethingleet. So, while being gratefull to those of you who created this new Asylum, I really am scared at possible finglongers abuses, accidents, and other oddities. - INI http://www.ozoneasylum.com/21362 [/quote] I want to start off by saying I don't know who WK is. I wish I did, and I don't know about that banning... I have had some inner turmoil with this as well. When "Adolf Hitler" was banned I was mildly upset. It might not be politically correct, and it might have only been used as a troll, and it might even be hateful, but, Doc has said that he hopes never to ban anyone. He didn't say he wouldn't, he said he would hope not to. Kevin is not a diety, and I refuse to sit here and let the Doc Ozone worshippers preach inaction when evolution is occuring. Doc has delegated authority to other members, and has then left us to our own devices, and even if their wisdom is not that of Doc Ozone, is has been delegated by him. If you have a problem email Doc and ask him about it. If Kev had a problem with what was going on here I am pretty sure he would have interceded, or at least made a little post. This place is Kevin's little experiement that has gotten pretty big. I am sure that he is sitting there reading the stuff that is going on here, and smiling, his experiment grew a life of its own, and doesn't need him to control it anymore, that is a pretty big achomplishment, much like raising a child. He might be a little sad that it has taken off on its own, and in some of its own directions, but he had to let it go to thrive, and that is why is happening now. We are just in a time where we are coming to realize that we aren't being controlled, and figuring out what to do with our added responsibilities, but if we don't discuss them, then we won't know what the limits are. This issue needs some further thought. I would like some opinions on it. [url=http://www.codetown.org] [img]http://www.codetown.org/img/sig/robot_002.gif[/img] [/url] [small](Edited by [internallink=191]WarMage[/internallink] on 04-15-2004 03:00)[/small] Edit: The very act of editing this, now fixes the translated ubb in her. [small](Edited by [internallink=1424]Tyberius Prime[/internallink] on 04-15-2004 04:31)[/small]
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