OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Banning Members and Asylum Growing Pains
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Well, in the end the promotion of all those MS's was Doc's decision, and it is his and only his to undo. There are very few of us with finglongers, and we only have them becuase we are/were the developers here ,and so we need the ability to add modules should they need adding. As to the power to ban users...well, as Emps said, it doesn't get exercised very often, partially through good management, partially becuase we've got a good bunch of people here and they usually talk anyone down off their high horse or convince them that this is not the place they want to be if they can't be talked down, and it's partially becuase it's not like it's an activity we actually enjoy. It's something we only do when it is necessary, and now it's all stored up in the admin log for the world to see. And all the MS's have always had the power to ban/promote/demote users, becuase we were always all on the same heriarchical level as the Doc. However, Doc only gave out the URL that you had to go to too do such things to a few people, so most of the MS's were unaware that they had that power... So, I agree with you InI, I can see this power potentially being abused, but it'll all be documented and there will be acountability. Trust me on that ;) Justice 4 [url=http://www.justice4pat.com]Pat Richard[/url]
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