OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Banning Members and Asylum Growing Pains
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Wulfius Kahn, although he wasn't banned, sounded like he thaught I had banned him: in fact, he apologised personally to me for his early behavior. Zigot Bahn, a dyslexic idiot, granted, but to me, a mentally disabled person, was clearly threatened to be banned. Now, trolls sure are unpleasant, and Zigot surely did his share of stupid things, but was treated... harshly for a dummy of his kind. Time for me to give a short vb course, I'll expand on the "other episodes" later, but in general, whilst Mad Scis tend to compensate each other's mistakes, and the general balance works, there have been situations where the Mad mods overreacted. Again, the question of banning has been adressed and to me, sorted out, I'll take the time, in a few hours, to talk about the "other episodes" for clarity.
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