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wanna add database interactivity withyout using php to flash project
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Yo guys new question! I'm making a simple cbt in Flash MX right for a pal and I need to put some database interactivity. Its nothing very complex just that users register themselves before proceeding to use the cbt. The database will store basic stuff like username, password, and progress & last page visited( the last page visited will hold a numericla value corresponding to the last frame the user was on when exiting the application ). The thing is that how do I implement this without turning it into a web based system i.e. without using PHP asp etc. By using php I guess it'll turn into a web based cbt rather than a desktop based one. Its a simple idea that can be implemented even using file access but I'm looking for a way to do this without using any web server scripting language cos I don't want to make this into a web based project. Any ideas guys! :D
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