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wanna add database interactivity withyout using php to flash project
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cbt ?? You really need to stop abreviating things! But I have bad news for you. Databases (for the most part) are programs that reside on a web server. If you want to run any kind of program on a webserver you'll need to use a server side programming language that can interface, there's simply no other way to do it. It you want ot make it a desktop based system then your options are severly limited to the operating system and what the flash player can actually access on that operating system, and that's before you know if the OS has a DBMS you can use. Deveopling desktop apps is a completly different ballgame and flash isn't really designed for this kind of stuff, you'd be better looking at using Director if you want to develop cd/desktop multimedia applications as it has the ability to access the file system natively (or through xtras which are packaged extensions to the director environment), you can also embed flash movies inside director projectors. Java would be another option, a free one to boot, but if you knew enough java then you probably wouldn't be asking this question. [small](Edited by [internallink=2879]Cameron[/internallink] on 04-16-2004 21:13)[/small]
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