OZONE Asylum
wanna add database interactivity withyout using php to flash project
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well its actually a simple computer based training sotware.. any user registers himself for use. Its actually a desktop based thing, so only one user uses it at a time. The persistent informatiion is more like a users profile and progress the user have made on his training so far. Its not wholly necessary to use a database for it any way. All that the project neds is a way of identifying a user when he' she logs on and thats just about it. Th erequirement is t add some sort of file handling or dataa manipulation. IN short users login to the system the system will display a welcome screen and then goes to the last lesson the user was on when he/she was last using the program. The information to be persisten t is : -Username and Pww -Last lesson user was on in last use of software(i.e. the last frame on the timeline the user was on) -Marks the user has obtained in test so far Its basically storage and retrieval and anything like even flat files could also serve. So if ther is a way to keep the persistent information either in databases or files I'd like to know :D
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