I'm not sure you are going to find 'the script' to do what you described, because there is no one single way to do anything in programming. That chunk of Javascript that Dreamweaver spits out when you click on your selection can be written in more ways than it is possible to count. And to me, most of those ways just won't make a damn bit of sense to me, because I didn't go through the process of thinking them out and coding them.
Of course I don't need to understand them for them to work. But what if I want to make the code do something just a little different, like making a menu pop up instead of drop down.....?
What I'm suggesting is that you dig out that visual quickstart javascript book, and maybe an O'Reilly manual and start to code. Here is a spot to start from:
1) make a few 'pop-up menus' in your html code, use CSS to set their display to none and absolute positioning to place them where you want them to appear. And let's adjust the z-index to make sure it's on top.
<div id="popM1" style="position:absolute;top:400px;left:200px;display:none;z-index:10">
<a href="page1.html">link 1</a><br />
<a href="page2.html">link 2</a><br />
<a href="page3.html">link 3</a><br />
2) write a javascript function to toggle the display of the menu to 'block'.
function popMenu(which){
now call this function with an on mouseover event handler- onmouseover="popMenu('popM1')"
Now when you mouse-over what ever element you assigned the eventhandler to, your first menu will appear right where you want it to.
3) write a javascript function to toggle the menu's display back to 'none', so you can make it go away. This function should be fairly easy to figure out by examining the first one and making a few changes. Of course, you then need to assign it to an event handler (or more than one) to call this function.
By now, if you are actually coding this, you will probably want to get fancy and make menus go away after a set period of time. So dig into your books and look up 'setTimeout()'........
Good Luck and have fun coding!
Post your results here and we will all admire your handywork, or pitch in with advice, whichever seems appropriate.
/* Sure, go ahead and code in your fancy IDE. Just remember: it's all fun and games until someone puts an $i out */