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Alrighty.. been workin' a bit on something new lately, which I've been hesitant to post here to get torn apart, but what the hell... I'm not huge on the whole blog thing, but I finally broke down and had to make one - mostly for the sake of making it. :) [url]http://oldmanpants.ca[/url] *cringes* For the most part, the different styles suck so far, but I've been playing around with the last one (the current default) and I think it's starting to come around. What I'm happiest with so far is certainly not content, and not really the designs yet, but the PHP that is running the site. I've worked with PHP a lot, but have recently been developing a new method (no, not 'method' as in a group of Java statements with a name) for myself of building sites that is highly object oriented and low-maintenance. All of the PHP that drives the site is completely my own, and I have a few buddies that would like to use it for their sites, so I'm working on cleaning it up a bit so they can install it on their servers, add stylesheets and run with it. anyhoo, Just looking for a few thoughts about the whole thing from some folks who know what they're doing. oh- I looked at it last night in IE5 and it broke a bit, so I'll be working on that... [url=http://www.miniportal.ca] [img]http://miniportal.ca/members/pics/2_sig_mini2.gif[/img] [/url]
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