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[quote] [b]Shifter said:[/b] Okay, but what exactly is the big diff? In plumbing one pipe may not rust as another..so are you saying one method (tables) will rust in time? heh [/quote] Um, yeah, that is what we are saying. Tables were never meant to work as layout elements, and forcing them to do that job is a hack. As for the rust, tables make a page far larger and slower loading than it needs to be. In a world where time is money, slow load times can be just as deadly as rust (or lead) in the water. CSS is not only the technology of today, it is also the technology of tomorrow. If you really want to continue designing with the technology of yesterday--if you really don't understand what the "big diff" is--then no one is going to force you to adopt CSS and "tableless" design. But don't be surprised when people who take web design seriously scorn you for your shoddy workmanship. ___________________________ Suho: [url=http://www.liminality.org]www.liminality.org[/url] | [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=270]Cell 270[/url] | [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/1213]Sig Rotator[/url] | Keeper of the Juicy Bits
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