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As usuall I agree with the things said above, escpecially the last comment by Warmage. The harsher the critique, the better the page :) First thing I noticed was the splash page, you don't need that one. As with most splash pages it doesn't serve any purpose except make me press the mouse button one more time. Since the page is optimized for 1024x768 the header is too small for me on 1280x768. If I where you I would either center the image, or create a very wide image and crop it at the browser edge. The second option would probably look better, but it would use uneccesary amounts of bandwidth. On the header image I would also remove the fractals you've got on the left hand side. They don't fit with the rest of the graphics used. The 'Countours' should also be more prominent imo, it is kind of hard to spot as it is now... From the earlier comments I see that you've changed the navigation. My biggest gripe with the navigation is that the rest of your page uses areas of solid color, while the navigation has some fading. I would think that the menu would fit better with the over all design if you only used a single solid color. Another thing with the menu is that the link to the current page doesn't show. I'm all for displaying different from the other links and not having is a link, but it should be there. You could for example have a transparent background bellow the current-page-link, while keeping a colored background for the other elements. The menu elements should also get a hover effect, it is nice to get some visiual feedback when you hover over a link. The links on your page blend a bit too much with the rest of the text now. The links shouldn't stand out too much from the ordinary text, but when you see them you should easily regocnize them as links. I would either change the color a little bit - make it a bit lighter than the rest of the text - or add some simple text decoration - an underline of some kind. At the bottom of the 'artist' section the page breaks in Firefox. There seems to be too much content so there is gap in the border. The coding... Well, I'm pretty sure you know what to do with that part of the page; make WarMage happy :) _________________________ "There are 10 kinds of people; those who know binary, those who don't and those who start counting at zero" - [url=http://www.golden-ratio.net]the Golden Ratio[/url] - [url=http://www.golden-ratio.net/vim]Vim Tutorial[/url] -
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