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Yeaaah :D that's great Wes. Many thanks for taking the time to put that together; much appreciated. I promise to put some extra effort into learning how to use that feature of my camera. My wife gave me a beautiful Canon D30 camera for my birthday last year (second hand or I would have fainted at the extravagance) but, after nearly a year, I'm still overwhelmed by it's many features :o I've always been of the point and shoot "if you take a thousand photo's one of them's bound to be OK" school; 50 years of that and I now have thousands and very little to show for it! Even the mention of f stops sends me into mild trauma, and reading and re-reading the manual throws up more questions than it answers. I know you're busy - I do follow your exploits and your site- and I much appreciate your assistance. "Cheers" to Beaker too. Fellow inmates, correct me if I'm heading in the wrong direction, but I figure that if I f** around with things like this, the practical application of these features will help me to understand what my camera can do.
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