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SonAMD...I want you to listen carefully to me for a moment: 1. Do not double post, anywhere, on purpose. it is considered rude and harrasing, and is more likely to get people to ignore you than help you. 2. Learn to use the enter key, and possibly correct gremmer, spelling nad punctuation too. Those are factors that wil make it more likely that people will help you; if they can read what you're saying without having to troll through a post that sounds like the innane mouthings of a hyped-up 10-year-old. 3. (ad this is just a perosnal one for me, don't know if anyone else holds this view) please, refrain from refering to things as 'gay'. Unless your computer has really expressed an interest in having its male ports plugged into another computer's male ports, it hardly qualifies. It is also derogatory to homosexuals evreywhere, becuase you're using a term that refers to them in a context that qualifies as an insult, thus taking them down to the level of something insulting. This is unacceptable behaviour in my book, and I will not tolerate anything like it, here or in real life. We are who we are becuase that's how <insert diety of choice, power or random cosmic chance here> made us, and so there must be some purpose behind it. If you read all of that and think about it, learn from it, I'm sure we can all live peacefully.
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