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Exactly what is XHTML
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XML is bound to strict rules, an XML document looks a lot like a normal html document, with a few additional rules. With that in mind, XHTML is a subset of XML: it is a transitional step towards a "world of XML", because if you try to output some plain HTML using normal XSL and XML, you'll run into problems. Problems that are solved by using xhtml instead. ... A real world example: in my school, we had to define our own subste of xml, something to describe how the school is organised. With tags like [student][/student] or [mark][/mark]. ATM, the so said ideal language to transform some xml into something else is xsl: both xml and xsl obey to strict rules. I had a lot of problems trying to use xsl to convert my stuff to some plain HTML4: using <br> tags resulted in a parsing error, because xml doesn't allow non closing tags. So basically, my xsl was corrupt because it used old school, html4.0 type tags. Using <br/> tags would also cause problems, because I was trying to conform to html4 and <br/> tags are NOT defined in html4.0. So I used the xhtml namespace, and it worked like a charm. Hope it helps... I recommend simply trying to define a markup language for one of your needs, or digging into one basic xml tutorial, it'll make things clearer. The benefits of xml are many - there is a difference between html and xml - to fullfill this gap and make xml able to speak html easilly, xhtml had to exist. [url=http://www.beyondwonderland.com] [sigrotate] [img]http://www.beyondwonderland.com/what/pictures/sigs/golden_age.gif[/img] | [img]http://www.beyondwonderland.com/images/InI.gif[/img] | [img]http://www.beyondwonderland.com/what/pictures/sigs/newsig5.gif[/img] | [img]http://www.beyondwonderland.com/what/pictures/sigs/silver_age.gif[/img] [/sigrotate] [/url]
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