How do I search based on zipcodes Differences |
+This has popped up from time to time and basically you need this to get started:
code: +<?php +////////////////////// DB-Access ///////////////////////// +/*Generates the connection with the database and returns a +valid connection for the one calling. */ +function hookUpDb(){ + Global $connection; + $host = 'localhost'; + $user = ''; + $password = ''; + $db = 'uszipcodes'; + if(mysql_connect($host,$user,$password)){ + $connection = mysql_connect($host,$user,$password); + mysql_select_db($db,$connection); + return $connection; + }else{ + print("<b>Sorry, cannot connect to the database.</b>"); + } +} + +///////////////////////////////////////////////////// +////////////////////// Generic QueryAskers/////////// +/*Use when no returned result is excepted. +returns true or mysql_error. */ + +function doQuery($sql){ + Global $connection; + hookUpDb(); + + if(!mysql_query($sql,$connection)){ + return mysql_error(); + } + +return true; +} + +/*Use this when you need to use custom made SQL-queries on the database. +Returns a 2 dimensional array with the result. */ +function doQueryResult($sql){ +Global $connection; + hookUpDb(); + if($sql != ""){ + $result = mysql_query($sql,$connection); + $item = array(); + while($item = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ + $items[] = $item; + } + return $items; + mysql_free_result($result); + } else { + print("Need correctly formed SQL that returns a resultset."); + } +} +///////////////////////////////////////////// + +//Calculator... +if(isset($_POST['doItNow']) && !empty($_POST['userZip']) && !empty($_POST['radius'])){ + $userZip = $_POST['userZip']; + $userRadius = $_POST['radius']; + $sql_1 = "SELECT * FROM zipcodes WHERE zip = '".$userZip."'"; + $result = doQueryResult($sql_1); + $userLat = $result[0]['latitude']; + $userLong = $result[0]['longitude']; + $userLocation = $result[0]['city']." - ".$result[0]['state']; + $sql_2 = "select * from zipcodes as z where (SQRT( (69.1 * (".$userLat." - z.latitude)) * (69.1 * (".$userLat." - z.latitude)) + (53.0 *(".$userLong." - z.longitude)) * (53.0 *(".$userLong." - z.longitude))) <= ".$userRadius." )"; + $finalResult = doQueryResult($sql_2); +} + + + +?> +<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 //EN"> + +<html> +<head> + <title>Get zips within distance</title> +</head> +<body> + +<form action="#" method="post"> +enter zipcode: <input type="text" name="userZip" size="20" value="<? echo $_POST['userZip'] ?>"><br> +enter radius in miles: <input type="text" name="radius" size="20" value="<? echo $_POST['radius'] ?>"><br> +<input type="submit" name="doItNow" value="Search"> +</form> +<?php +if(is_array($finalResult)){ + + foreach($finalResult as $location){ + print("<fieldset><legend>Location within ".$_POST['radius']." miles from ".$userLocation.".</legend>\n"); + print("City: ".$location['city']."<br>State: ".$location['state']."<br>zipcode: ".$location['zip']); + print("</fieldset>"); + } +} +?> +</body> +</html> +