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I was a little confused about how everything works. However unlikely, it is possible that before hundred posts a user might land the rank of Demented, correct? I was initially under the impression that while the rank system was randomized (which I think is cool), the roman numerals were used to give a more accurate idea of the members post count. For example: I = 1<100 II = 100<200 III < 200<300 etc. After reading the FAQ, I'm under the impression that this is not the case. The roman numeral is just the number the corresponds with the ranking system. So if a member joins and after post 50 they obtain the rank of Demented, they are not Demented (I) but rather Demented (IX), or am I mistaken? As far as I'm concerned I don't think it makes much of a difference how the ranking system is implimented - or even if its implimented at all. For the most part, everyone knows whos a new member and who has been around since the dawn of time. You're doing a great job TP. Bandwagon American Since 9/11/01
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