OZONE Asylum
POW Week 47: Birds
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"Watch the birdy". Thread inspired by krets recent "New neighbors" ;) Rules: 1. Photo needs to go along with the subject in some way. 2. Use thumbnails for photos with any dimension larger than 450 px or over 40 kb. 3. Post as many as you want. 4. At the end of the week the person who chose the topic will pick someone to choose the next topic. This isn't a "winner", just someone who gets to suggest the next topic. 5. No sigs. Luckily, I am still managing a day or two online and realised 'twas my choice. While I was looking for inspiration for a topic I made a list of all the previous topics I could find by the search function, here it is for interest. POW Week 1: Water POW Week 3: Architecture POW Week 5: Everyday Life POW Week 6 Portraits POW Week 7 Macro POW Week 8: Fauna POW week 9: duotones POW week 10: Self-Potraits POW Week 11: Abstract Color POW week 12: Strangers POW Week 13: Stop-action POW Week 14: 3D Abstract POW Week 15: Windows and Doors POW Week 16: Look up! POW Week 17: Look down! POW Week 18 - Think Old POW Week 19 - Blue POW Week 20 - Fire POW Week 21 - Sports POW Week 22: Bugzzzz POW Week 23: Iron and Steel POW Week 24: Lost and Found POW Week 25: Vehicles POW Week 26: Shadows POW week 27: Reflection 9 POW week 28 - At Work POW week 29 PATHS POW Week 30 - Silhouette POW Week 31 "Wet" POW Week 32 "Christmas" POW 33 Repetition POW 34 Lines POW Week 35 - Entropy POW week 36 - Relationships POW week 37 - Cold POW - Week 42 - Technology POW Week 44 - Sand & Sea POW Week 45 - Tracks POW Week 46 - Leaves POW - Week 49 - Cliches POW - Week 51 - Quiet
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