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site: colour scheme-advice?
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What's wrong with the current colors? Why do you want to start with a table design and then make it compliant? I think that's the other way round... But besides from this i put the some colors from your site through the [url=http://www.gurusnetwork.com/utilities/color_wizard]gurus color wizard[/url] First the [url=http://www.gurusnetwork.com/utilities/color_wizard/?hex=6a91b2]'6a91b2'[/url] from the navbar. Take a look at the anologous colors they could be great for backgrounds. The tins and shades section is also nice. The lighter colors can be highlights or backgrounds. The darker ones could be used as text or headings. The saturation index will be useful for links. For instance the top one for unvisited/active and the number three for visited. But you will need to eyeball it, play with it. Also after some searching i found the [url=http://www.gurusnetwork.com/utilities/color_wizard/?hex=003663]'003663'[/url] from the top bar. (which is declared twice in two different ways in the table). again try some of the collors for yourself, play and see what works. To make life a bit easier i suggest you to put [b]all[/b] the colors in the stylesheet. Then install the [url=http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/]firefox[/url] browser with the [url=http://texturizer.net/firefox/extensions/#editcss]Edit-css[/url] extension. With this you can easily cycle through all your selected colors while seeing the change directly. When you are ready save the css file and load it in your page. You could even ask asks your friends mother to come over and let her say which colorscheme she likes. ------------------------------ Do something usefull: support [url=http://www.justice4pat.com/]Justice for Pat Richard[/url]
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