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about to buy a digital camera...really...
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I bought a Canon Powershot A80 recently, and I absolutely love it. I'm having so much fun with it that I'm pretty sure I must be breaking some law or another. It is feature-packed, of course, with priority modes and even full manual (which I must admit I'm still too incompetent to use). I guess I've had the camera for about a month or so, and I've had no complaints so far. If you'd like to see some of the pictures I've taken it with it, you can check out the following URLs: http://www.liminality.org/imagery/experimental/ http://www.liminality.org/imagery/osanri_spring/ http://www.liminality.org/imagery/flowers/ http://www.liminality.org/imagery/lanterns/ The only negative I can think of is price. You're probably going to be hard-pressed to find an A80 with accessories for $250. But if you're willing to lay out it a little more (depending on how good a deal you can get), you will get a very nice camera. Haven't used the other models, so I can't really offer any input on those. Good luck with your hunt! ___________________________ Suho: [url=http://www.liminality.org]www.liminality.org[/url] | [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=270]Cell 270[/url] | [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/1213]Sig Rotator[/url] | Hooray for linguistic idiots and yak milk!
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