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Center, damn you!
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Sorry, I suppose that wasn't very clear. Yes, that link is almost exactly what I'm trying to do, except I'd like to have a caption underneath each image as well. I'll look at it and see if I can glean any usefil techniques from it. Let me show you what I'm trying to do with screenshots. Here is how it looks now, at 1152x864 in Firefox in Windows (note, the screenshot is about 480k): http://binrock.net/cowgod/photos/pg-current.png And here is how I'd like it to look (this is photoshopped): http://binrock.net/cowgod/photos/pg-correct.png Each thumbnail and its caption are encased in a div of class thumbnail, and each of those divs has float: left. This makes them align themselves to the left of their containing element, of course. All of the thumbnails together are contained in another div with id="roll-thumbnails", but it doesn't have any styles associated with it at the moment. div#roll-thumbnails currently expands to fill the width of its containing element, as you can see here: http://binrock.net/cowgod/photos/pg-outlined.png (640x480, 210k) I thought that if I could cause div#roll-thumbnails to shrink down to just the width of however many thumbnails fit on one row, then it wouldn't be very difficult to center the div (just give it margin: 0 auto and text-align: center for its containing element). But I don't know how to make it shrink down like that. I gave it width: auto but it has no effect (I've given it a red 1px border for now just to clearly see its dimensions). Maybe this isn't the best way to achieve what I want - if anyone has any other ideas, please share. I'm open to any ideas that will accomplish my goal of getting the thumbnails centered and yet still liquidly flowing down to the next line if the browser were resized. Thanks for your help.
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